Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Another great song(of course with great lyrics too) to share with all of you! Please listen to the lyrics carefully.... : )
I still remember the days when i was listen to this song while driving to uni in Semenyih! I miss everything in Malaysia, and ESPECIALLY the SUN, my lovely SUN can you be fair a little bit?
Shouldn't you spend equal time and energy in both Malaysia and UK ? I think you should!I miss you so much , do you know?
I want to go back! :( It's so cold, I lost my interest in everything now.
But, when i thought of zhi zu ,then i will smile again , like this :D!!!!
Ohya, tomorrow (3/12/2008) if you are free from 6.30pm onwards, please kindly come to Beeston free church to spend your evening! You know what??? There will be a concert there!!!!!REASON FOR THE SEASON!And, you will see me perform in the choir and other classmates too!!!Don't worry we are not singing old songs!! So, come la come la!
p/s: it's very near to Broadgate!
Friday, November 28, 2008
I hope you enjoy your life! :)
I was quite stress few days ago, because i was worrying too much. But today after jason shared something to me, he remind me of something i used to forget in my life, and i feel better afterward. Thank you dear!
When you are unhappy about things happen in your life, stop for a while, look around at people in this world and compare to yourself, do you still feel unhappy about your life?~zhi zu chang le~
I just want to share a song from Jay Chou with all of you--Dao Xiang (Fragrant Rice)
I just love the lyrics a lot! If you cannot understand the meaning, just paste it into translator, but one thing for sure, i know you will like the song!
So, please enjoy!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
但事實告訴我說我錯了, 而我也認同了
朋友說: 你變了!
我說: 我說我曉得, 也感覺到
朋友說: 不是你的錯, 是你不得不去英國
我再問: 我真的變了嗎?
朋友2說: 你變了嗎? 如果有,應該也是變得不可愛了!
變, 我高興嗎?
很肯定的答案, 一點都不
我有選擇嗎? 我也不想這樣的
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I can feel...
I have not been wearing retainer regularly for three weeks. After i give some pressure and force to the retainer so that it could sit nicely into its position as i wish...My tears drops...it's so painful...
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Just want to write this down
Another long hour
4 hours...
~4 hours again
Nobody knows what i am talking about
Only I know :)
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Malaysian Game!!!
I personally think that Malaysian should come for this game, you can see malaysian everywhere. You just feel like you're in Malaysia with same kind of people who you used to see while in Malaysia. Since when i so patriotic? It might be a place where you will randomly meet someone you know and"eh...how are you?" haha..
Surprisingly, this year lesser people visit NMS games compare to last year despite the fact that the number of teams registered for games have increased.
Okla, I was there since 11.30am and my only concern is about the volleyball match. Nottingham team didn't manage to secure their championship. Sheffield is the Champion of volleyball this year :). The score was actually very close ---25:23. I hope nobody sees how i cheer/scream for the team using English, Mandarin, Cantonese...haha..
Second sports that will attract my attention is Basketball. Don't ask me why? I just like to watch basketball match even though i do not like (because my stamina is not good enough to play!!) and do not know how to play. IMPERIAL COLLEGE manage to secure their championship!!!!WOOHOOO.....I actually can't remember the scores, but i know it was very close also. They always shout IC IC, after that only i know it's actually stands for IMPERIAL COLLEGE. I actually sat among those IC reserve players and hence i cheer for IC instead of NOTTINGHAM!!!Hahaha...betrayer!!! Oops..i forgot to say that it was IMPERIAL vs. NOTTINGHAM in final!!
Conclusion : Nottingham Malaysian Game is good!!!And, i am seriously tired and cacat now. Look at this!!!This is what i get at the end of the day after volleyball game and i know this is unavoidable! This makes me walk like orang cacat when i go up and down staircase!!!But, still i enjoyed and appreciate the chance given to play volleyball in my last year!Yahooooo!!!I love volleyball!!
Friday, November 07, 2008
Long time no see VOLLEYBALL! :)
This is what I get after one hour practice with new people who i never played with before. If you didn't play volleyball regularly, this is what you will get ...swollen..pain....redness. I actually got one bruise on my right knee with 5 cm diameter and just beside it is another red patch.
I wonder how many blood vessels had sacrificed themselves in this practice?Must be lots...
My last volleyball training were form5 ..which is 2003..now is 2008 already....imagine it has been five years ago since my last training. I am no longer the girl who can play well for volleyball, i have to admit this. :(
I just wonder how am i going to play for Malaysian Game with pain on my hands, bruise and blister on my palm. And, most important things i DON'T have tacit understanding with other players....which is actually an important part of volleyball team...TEAMWORK is very important!!!
Good luck tomorrow..!Might be my last play before graduate.....:)
Thursday, November 06, 2008
A morning call from Tsb pharmacy....
I got a call from Tsb pharmacy at 8.45am, following my email to reject their offer.
Firstly, she asked me the reason of rejecting them. I said i have offer from another company which suits my condition better. She then ask me which company is that, why i prefer that company? I didn't want to say because that company is better and i prefer to work for them. so i just simply say that because better salary and benefits those kind of things which obviously isn't my main concern. If i know more harsh things are coming, i wouldn't have answer like that.
She was nice at the beginning. She said that if i am concern about these, we can further discuss the terms and conditions. Again, I stress that i still won't take the offer.
Here is where the transformation occurs....
She starts shooting me...
1. She said i have been unprofessional because they actually sent me two offer letters since September but I took long time to reply their offer.
This isn't true because Tsb Pharmacy actually made an offer to me recently. I was on hold since August .
2. After i clarify this thing with her, she said there is actually two offer letters but first offer letter was lost on its way. After a second check, she found out my offer was made on 10/10/2008.
3.Then she starts change the topic, she said offer was made on 10/10/2008, why do i take so long time to reply?
I said i only receive offer letter from them after two weeks, which is on 28/10/2008.I receive offer from another company after i received offer letter from them. I took about two weeks to reply them because i need time to make my decision. But i found out it's only 8 days but not two weeks.
SHE SAID TWO WEEKS IS TOO LONG TO MAKE A DECISION. I replied her that i think i have the right to make decision in two weeks. Even for first round candidates, RPSGB also mention must give them time until 1st week of OCT, how come i can't have the TWO WEEKS?
4. She change topic again this time. She said because of me they have turned down other candidates. I explain to her that i was told by her manager that the place i have offered to already have enough students and my offer was a special arrangement. So, I have considered that no other candidates are waiting for my post.
For whatever she says, it 's just not right, can she please check everything before she actually make a call to people first thing in the morning and ruin ppl's mood.
I did apologise to her about reject the offer. But, throughout the conversation i heard at least four times " I have to report to your university about this, this is unprofessional"...At the end, I starts get angry and be more firm about my stand. I know I am wrong but i haven't sign anything, I already try my best to reply you asap. Why do you keep threatening me?I am just a student, lose me will lose your whole company is it ????(obviously i din say this to her la)
The last things she said to me is still the same threatening words. And , me ? "OKAY FINE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH."
I know i know i have made a lot of mistakes in my pre-reg offers. I learnt my lessons. Can you please have some mercy on students being pressured on making decision? Company can miss their words reject or accept as long as they like. But students? Drag n drag your time, put you in on-hold list for ages,BUT when they need an answer, you must give response straight a way!!!!We as student has no right for more than 2 weeks to make a decision.
Anyway, for everyone who concerns about my problems. I am okay now. I have talked to people in SCHool of Pharmacy and my tutor. They say there is nothing Tsb pharmacy can do to me. They will support me but i need to write an email to them to explain what is happening, so that when complaint letter comes in, they can response straight a way.
Lesson :
Do not agree on anything that you think you are not satisfy with it .
Do not verbally accept anything even though there is no formal documents signed as proof.
Be really firm for those who threatens you!
Make a quick decision!
I know this kind of things not only happen on me. I mean pressure from company. But puisan I am not going to write to RPSGB because i don't want get into any troubles anymore.
This morning call ruins my whole day :(
I really have learnt the lesson, I will make sure from now on nobody will describe me as unprofessional anymore.
I am really sorry for all inconveniences caused.Sincerely....
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I hate retainer!!
I hate to wear it or sometimes even chose to forget about it .Very purposely* But when i know is not right to do this and start wearing retainer again...what i get is - PAIN.
According to dentist, i have to wear it for life-long. Probably i can only get rid of it when i have to start wearing another thing - denture. T..T
Friday, October 31, 2008
How kids being forced to say HApi BIrd-day to their xiao gu!
Main characters : QiSen, YangYang, TingTing -my nephews and niece(obviously their real name doesn't write like this, but i prefer call them like this..all doubles!)
Here is how i spend my birthday (on my birthday ok!) The solution to split myself among family,love,fren is spend one day before with frens, spend my birthday with my family and spend the day after my birthday with Jason. (oops, he is last !:P)
I personally love this simple video very much, yesterday night I watched this video for 5 to 6 times before go to bed...keep repeating and i do MISS THEM A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!
So, here you go, hope you enjoy the video!
I like kids because when you see them , all stress are gone!:)
decision making again!!!
and, i found out that the lecturer sent me email saying that he manage to transfer me to east division and there is no tie ins which means it is only one year training.
when i already got offer from another company then you tell me this now. I would be really pleased to hear this great news if i have no other choices . But, i got one now.
I am quite lost in making this decision. The offer letter is already with me i got the place i wanted, i love- Cambridge. And, I will be staying with two close friends if i go there, that would be so nice!
The new offer might send me to A or B ( I have never been to these two places before). It's still full of uncertainties, i got no ideas where would i end up. But this company is good.
Not much differences between training scheme i suppose; i know that tutor is the most important person in 52weeks of your life but at the end everything still depend on yourself.
Any comments on how should i make a better choice? your comment is much appreciated. haha
why I always like that , didn't follow the plan. So SAD :(
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I finally got it!!!!!! :D
I used the fastest speed i can to reach home and as usual the first thing i have to do is off the alarm. But, this time there is one A4 size envelope that attracts my attention, I am wondering..will it be .....
After i grab the envelope from the floor, my first glance ---lloyds...omg why is it from bank..
but after my nerves go through all the synapses....zzz...zzzzziiiii....I think i saw the word PHARMACY!
I faster ran upstairs to open the envelope! Yes, is something i have been waiting long for! Finally....deng ni deng dao wo xin dong.....
So, after have a quick read on what is it in this document. i decided to put it aside and do what i suppose to do next .
Then, I send an email to the company who offered me a place for training. Yes, I have sent it out now. I wonder what they going to say. Please ...........let me go !
I know I have been unethical to accept both offers, but, to get a better choice and put myself in secure position, i have no choice. I am sorry...:(
Hopefully they are kind to me. Have to start praying from now...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Paediatric Pharmacy
In this topic, we have to do some essential and further readings in order to prepare answer for seminar on monday. I read about the method they suggested parents to use in order to "tam" kids take their medication which is normally taste owful...Some suggestions are like this:
1. Mix with jam
2.Mix with yoghurt esp for those capsules that you don't wish to break the modified release formulation as you don't have to chew yoghurt rite?
The question i want to ask here is why my parents never taught to feed me this way?
I remember there is once i spit out the syrup right after they fed me, and my dad gets angry and lock me up at the back of the house. I sat outside till late evening, when my neighbour saw me then she bring me back home again. How sad leave me outside alone...
And, i read something about antibiotic is not useful in asthma....!!!!
So why my doctor always gave me antibiotic and that is like 1cm long ...I can't swallow it! So, whenever my dad asks me to take medication, I will start eating those medicines that i think i can swallow and wait until my dad go to front....then ...I will faster throw the antibiotic caplet to the toilet bowl and flush it away!!!When my dad comes back again and ask me whether i have taken my medicines...I will say "YES" happily.....and surprisingly even without antibiotic i am still living in this world ..typing words..so I can prove that antibiotic doesn't work for asthma.
Asthma is a nightmare for my childhood. But, i have to pay the responsibility for it. Turn the time back to 19years ago.....
There is one little girl who always curi-curi make orange juice from concentrate (with ice*) when there is nobody at home. And, she keep repeating this great job almost every afternoon but she doesn't know asthma is walking nearer and nearer towards her...BIngo!!!Finally she got asthma because she always drink orange juice with ice!!!!! so obviously the little gal is me la!!!
I think you might feel weird "huh, drink orange juice also can get asthma one meh?" Yeah, that is true for my case. And, whenever i got asthma my parents will know i must have curi-curi drink some cold drinks or eat ice cream. It never miss once before, everytime i curi makan ice cream i sure get asthma at night!!!!!!Haih.....I can't lie down and sleep properly. The only thing i can do is sit on the bed until i fall asleep, if not once i lie down i will hear the orchestra from my lung!It's so loud.
Ok, tell you some even more weird examples. My nephews seem to have asthma attack too...but they more cham,,their asthma attack is illicited by chocolate, Vitagen...
Moral of the story are....
Never leave your child at home
Never let your child drink too much of cold drinks
Monday, October 13, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Journey to taipei I
An overview of Chiang Kai Sek Memorial Hall. But don't think you can see it la!
Chiang Kai Sek and His wife (Song Mei Ling??I am not sure:P)
There is display for public to see how was Chiang Kai Sek's office look like with "WAX" version of him sitting there. It looks quite real actually. (If you know Hokkien, my parents keep saying "jin shxiang o!)
Okla, enough for Chiang Kai Sei Memorial hall because i lazy upload pic la!
---After that, we took 45mins of MRT to TamShui. There are a lot of attractions, but guess where is the only place i went ..Long Shan Shi. There are two Long Shan Shi(temple) in Taipei, however this is not the most famous temple that i went. If you want to go to the most famous Long Shan shi you can take MRT and get down from Long Shan Station.
Due to tireness that everyone can't avoid, we go back to MRT station and take another 40mins to JianTan Station.
Third Day-
Today everyone learnt our lessons, we rented a car upon request of my family members. And, of course there is driver to drive us around, we paid 4000 taiwan dollar which equal to RM400 for renting the car and hire the driver for 8 hours.
1st destination-Jiu fen. There is a story about the origin of its name-Jiu fen (9 portions). This Jiu fen is located on mountain and there were 9 family staying there.But whenever the residents on this mountain going down to get their groceries, they need to spend one day to come back and forth. SO, they have this idea that they take turn to get things for every family, since there are 9 famillies there, so everytime they need to get 9 portions for everything they buy. SO after long while when they send down their representative, people will shout "jiu fen lai le, jiu fen lai le" (9 portions come d!).....That's what tour guide told me.
to be continued but don't have to stay tune. :P
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
But, when someone else also did the same thing as A Mad is a Mail , send email out to others but she got charge for the email she sent.
TIAN LI HE ZAI...mei yan kan!!!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Pa-ss A-way
When I walk toward the house where they held the funeral. I feel weird because the last time when I walk along the same path, I know I am going to say congrates to my relative because someone in their family is getting marry. But, now I am going there for funeral, this is totally different.
Still, there are lots of people there, but with a different purpose in each visit.
I just want to say..life is full of uncertainty, appreciate what you having now
Ren Sheng Wu Chang Ah....
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
I will be a tour guide in less than 48 hours!
I am a bit worry, what if they are tired or bored, what if they don't like the food, what if ...this and that..I am always like that worry too much . But, i seriously didn't plan much, mostly go to those destinations where MRT will go.
I pray for good weather and everything goes well. And, also pray that we won't get lost.
po bi po bi a!!!!!haha
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Shall i ?
or shall i go back to Msia straight after my degree? Because even if i have two years working experience in UK i still need to do the four years training..and start from zero..which ways should i go..?
If lloyds offer me place in Cambridge i will definitely go..but they put me on hold....
I even dreamed about this in my recent dream.haiz...
Can a couple with different religion successful in their love? I think i can. But, my family can't.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Nobody ever doubt my decision.
So, why at this time you guys want to interrupt. I won't be happy if i didn't get wishes from you guys. I am regret for sharing with you guys. If i knew, i won't have talk about it.
Please give me my freedom. I am nearly 22 now, give me my right to make decision.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Offer letter
I still find no reason why they have the right to tie me down for two years here. If you were to say because company will lose a lot of money if i just go away after i qualified. Then, show me that you really want me to stay. I can't see the reason why i have to sign a two years contract when i only got the same salary as other area pre-reg student!!If Hull really need people urgently at least they should pay us higher or any incentives rite? No. You didn't pay for my tuition fees in University and why do i have to pay you back? ANd, who came out the idea that if i were to leave the company i have to pay 5000pounds? I just can't accept this term here. Why other students in other areas get their freedom but i haven't got one, aren't the money spend on pre-reg student are the same all over the UK?HENG HENG!!!
ANother thing is I cannot understand why Malaysian government set a rule that we must work with government for three years before we get recognised as pharmacist in Malaysia. Same thing that annoys me is that YOU PAY NOTHING FOR MY PHARMACY DEGREE, WHY DO I HAVE TO WORK FOR YOU FOR A LOW PAY JOB?WHY??
I wanted to go back Malaysia because all the important people in my life are there. But, i just can't accept the low pay truth and the stupid rule.
Between, today i got a call from BPSA to the store that i m working at the moment. I just don't know how they get to know I am working in Boots and in Hull? And, why do they suddenly call me up just to ask me when would i expecting myself get qualified as pharmacist? Why? WHy? I still answer whatever they asked, until the moment we end the conversation, i still have no ideas how they found out i am there, no ideas why they made that call. ~WEIRD~
Sunday, July 27, 2008
I don't know how and what is best way for two people to get together?
I don't understand you. Why do you put your display pic with another gal(s) but never put ours. Even i told you i mind, you didn't change it , so what is the point of telling all these?
I just came back from a long walk, using looking for cafe to print something as excuse, i actually just wanted to get out from this house. I remember when i was sad, i used to ride motorbike or drive my car slowly ,keep going and without knowing where is my destination but just keep moving. That's how i release myself when i am sad, but in Uk i haven't got any motorbike or car, so i went for a long walk. (although i was a bit worry about the safety, I saw five police cars going to same direction, driving 100km/h in housing area.)
Just now was the second time i nearly bang by a car, because i keep thinking about something when i cross the road and didn't realise car is coming.(Luckily...)
Picture taken on the way to cambridge by shiang.
Look at the pic clearly. Have you realise that bottom part of the cloud is always darker compare to the top part of clouds? I just think that all the clouds in the sky are just like human's life. As you get nearer to Sun , you will become brighter and happier, however, sometimes due to the effect of wind which might blow you off to another area, you might become the bottom part of the cloud and become darker, you might even get darker and darker, heavier and heavier and fall off become drops. A tiny drop, nobody will realise you have gone. This is a process, even you know that you will go back to the bright part one day, but you still have to go through same process from time to time. When Sun come out again, you will get back to the bright part and happy again.
Life just fill with ups and downs.
I hope my life, my love, my family and everything on the earth can always stay near to the SUn and stay as bright as the top part of cloud. Do not get affected by wind and become the darker part.
I want to stay on the bright part, please don't come to my life become the bad wind. Love needs Sun. I need Sun. Jason and I need Sun.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
I am waiting !!!
my stupid project to finish,
impress my tutor that i am capable and responsible,
my tutor write a good recommendation letter to head office,
my tutor to go holiday!!!!
9/8 to come so my placement will be finished, i can go back to Nottingham do final shopping! and pack my things and go back to hot country!
a really nice holiday!!!
JJ to love me as before
a really good birthday celebration (which i wonder how to split myself among family,love, frens)
I can't wait ...
to wear whatever i want!! short skirt,hot pant!!!
to drive wherever i want to go!
to see my family
to see my frens
to see JJ too
to play with my nephews and cute tingting!!!!
to bring them to pasar malam..hehe..then we can buy buy buy munmun
to eat those food i used to eat
to visit those store, mamak, places i used to go
to eat nice food!!!!without considering the currency exchange!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wahaha..i gonna crazy here...:p can someone answer me, should i bring my dearest bearbear back to msia also? hehe..i just cant wait, when i think of all that my mouth just cant close properly!!!!:p
The only thing i dun feel like doing is go back and discuss the problem. I don't want to know the final decision!:(...heng
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Something happened on me recently that i sleep with my wet eyes and couldn't remember when was it i have fallen asleep. I was daydreaming when the condition allowed me to do so. I actually don't feel like talking and just want to be alone, but i have to hide the feeling for 9 hours. Because i am working in pharmacy, i have to greet customer, give them good customer service, talk to them with big smile on. Even though my heart actually numb at the moment.
This is life, no matter how big things happen on this little of me, but the earth still turning, life have to move on. I have to move on too. I am HUMAN.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Story of Sunflower and Tulip
T got so hurt and he thought of letting "species" be their reason to end their special relationship. He feels so disappointed and feels stupid as well , because he thought that his love that he is willing to give to S can overcome their "species" problem. How silly he is, he even tot that for S, he will be more important than "species". But, as he clean up the exploded bomb, he knows the answer is NO, "species" is more important than love, power of love doesn't apply to him and S.
T knew "species" would be their problem one day, but he rather choose to ignore that and try his best to take care of Sunflower.
to be continued..
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Conversation between sunflower and tulip
S: I cant't bring you with me, because we're different species.
T: *keep quiet, but a bit hurt
*because T really hope that he can together with S, how he wishes that species wouldn't be their problems.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Things happened around me.
Today is 20 of June 2008, turn the time back to one yr ago, today I'm supposed to prepare myself leaving everything back in malaysia and head to UK , a strange place with people speaking lauguages which is not my first language. I remembered there are so much of reluctant feelings to leave in my little heart, but i know i have to since i have made a decision to enter the University of Nottingham and knew that this is a 2+2 programme. I have to go away from a place where i have been brought up, away from my comfort zone, learn to be independent, hopefully beat down the phobia which deep in my heart due to my poor English.
Not long after i left Malaysia, i get to know that my friend who is also my friend's brother had passed away in an accident.
I get to know that the gang of friends which we called us as "Big eyes Gals" have no longer keep in touch as often as last time because everybody have their own business to busy with.
My friend's grandpa has cancer and he has passed away recently. I have visited to her house quite often so i can still remember his face deeply in my mind,but he will no longer be there when i pay a visit to their house this August.
Apart from all bad news...I do have some good news too.
My fourth sis-in-law gave birth on Oct and brought a healthy, handsome boy to my family. He looks exactly like my another nephew(his brother). But, i am not with him throughout his baby 's days, probably he wouldn't know who am i when i go back.
Following that, my best friend-Dion had gave birth a baby boy too.:)
My best friend-Kim Fong going to get married in this September, so as Tenpin,someone who has being my friend since kindergarden. Another good friend, Mei Chee married in May.
Things have been changing a lot since i came to UK, people have been through all kinds of happiness, sadness, but how about me? Am i still the old ones, no changes?
I believe there are some changes that they can notice from me, and i also notice that i am no longer as crazy as last time, no longer as talkative as last time. Maybe i should say no longer givng people a first impression of being a cheerful gal.hehe..only to stranger gua. for someone i knew for long time, i think i will be still the same for them , the crazy Gan May Shiang.
But, one thing i know that has no change is i will not bother how non-related people think about me. Yesterday, the dispenser in my store said to me with the serious-and-no-smile-or-maybe-angry-tones-and-eyes after i called her name and inform her that there is customer waiting while she was talking to other colleagues. After the customer hand over the prescription to her, she then turn back and say to me that"May, next time you can always go to the front desk and bring in the prescription and do the following , i mean it 's not like..." she talks to me while she is doing something with the computer, but suddenly she turn back and say the last word "difficult". Of course i know it's not difficult, just that in my previous store I am not allowed to go to front desk unless I have been told by pharmacist. So, i would never think of go to front desk without being told to do so. I didn't reply her but just keep quiet. Whatever you want to say.
Monday, June 09, 2008
First Day in Hull and East Yorkshire Hospital
I had a short talk and introduction by pre-reg Amy about the environment and workplace in pharmacy. But, guess what they are too kind , i have been introduced the same thing for like three times by three different people. I could stop it, but i think it just not so good say" actually someone told me about this before"
Again, i couldn't find the drug. But, one thing i have to admit is that the way they arrange the medicines are better a lot than BxxTs (BTs). When i worked in BTs last time, it's so hard for new people to come in and look for the drug. But , in this hospital, every drugs has been placed at a designated area with label on its shelf. And, this information can be found on your label after you printed them off. It's just so easy to find them , for me. But, i still cant find certain drugs.
They have also differentiate the urgency of the medicine and the source of prescription by using different colours of tray. For example, Red means the medicine is needed urgently. If it's yellow, means it's from community or prison.
The medicines that are dispensed have their way to go to, so if it's for inpatient use, then easier, you dun have to label a plastic bag. and you also don't have to put all warning labels in because nurse will give the medicine. But it depends, sometimes if it's one-stop-dispensing, then every single labels need to be done.
And, in hospital, you can't simply print the label, if there is anything wrong you must amend it without charge, because as you print the label the computer will record it and charge the patient, because doctor has their own budget on the drugs, tat's what they told me. So, if you simply print the label , the innocent doctor will have their "credits " gone without no reason.
Okla..tat's it for today. Tmw going to TPN. I have been told spend an hour in pharmacy to read the Parenteral Nutrition chapter..it's good for yawning exercise anyway.:)
Hope tomorrow will brighter than yesterday. and also hope that my feet doesn't torture me anymore, or less.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
My "landlord" is very kind, he picked me up from train station and fetch me to Boots store.
The first thing i saw on my left hand side after came out from the train station is a Big shopping centre -St.Stephens, you can find those normal England's shops as you would find in other places just that the shops here are much bigger and newer!
As far as i know now, Hull has three shopping centre, which is the St.Stephens, Prospect Centre and Princess Quay Centre. There is a few cafes along the "Monument Bridge" right beside the Princess Quay Centre. Walk pass Princess Quay Centre, go along the path, you will go to "Old Market Town" which reminds me of the street in Nottingham where superdrug located.Am i hinting that Nottingham is old? I think Hull is better than Nottingham in term of their transport services. I say this because you can find train, bus and coaches in Hull Paragon Interchange, and the St.Stephens is just right beside the Hull Paragon Interchange.
Another great news is my volunteer work place-Hull and East Yorkshire Hospital is located about 3 mins walk from the Hull Paragon Interchange, and so as the Boots store that i am going to work in 1 week time.All shopping centres are walking distance away from each other. I said good news because it's easier for me to HUNT when summer sales come!
I went to the Boots store in Prospect Centre to get them stamp on my Uk visa and verify it. Sadly there is no pharmacist there, only those locum, the pharmacist has left( i mean there is no pharmacist in the store) I wonder why? But by the time i start working there will be a pharmacist !The healthcare team manager sounds nice, her name is Clare, but i will hold my comments first, as they always nice but you don't know what are they thinking actually. This is what i learnt from Cardiff Store, the manager will never happy to see us free. Between, this store is much smaller than Cardiff one, it reminds me of Boots store in Cardiff, because it is in a shopping centre too.
Now is about my new accommodation, first impression, I love the house because it's a modern house compared with what i have in Nottingham. But, soon after i settled my things and return to this house again, i realised that the toilet and kitchen are A BIT dirty, guy's house , i can't expect much, can I? But his sister is staying here too. And, the sister has rabbit as her pet--called Chocolate!haha..I actually found the conversation between the sister and brother amusing,
S:"Choc looks moody."
S:"because he(choc) has been alone at home, he feels lonely"
"That's why i on the TV"
B:"Does he watch TV?"
They asked me whether i like animals, i said yes but i also say that i scare of dogs, what a contraversy answer!
And, i have no pillows and blanket here, ytd night i thought i can survive without blanket since it's summer now, but, still i have to squeeze into the duvet cover that i brought from Nott in the middle of the night. I didn't get good sleep actually, i can hear them talking.
I have to wash the toilet later , even though i feel tired now after carrying five bags of tesco things and Primark Pillows!Because i just cannot stand it anymore, i scare of stepping into the toilet, thank God that jason likes clean environment.
Haih, i guess biscuits and hot chocolate will be my dinner later. A lot of hard work to do here, but, I will never afraid of them. I am strong!!! Agree??
Friday, June 06, 2008
I MISS all of you!!
every single seconds
I didn't forget where i came from
where I am always flooded with LOVE
and here you see me GAN MAY SHIANG
Within my own little world
I can proudly announce that:
" I am the luckiest girl in the world"
I am happy with who I am
I am grateful that I was borned and brought up in a lovely family
A very simple family with parents and seven siblings
I love my parents
They never throw lots of toys to us just to make themselves free
In fact, i only have one set of masak-masak before
They love me, i believe so in a way that we know
I love my brothers
No other brothers will ever better than mine, for me
My brothers are best!
I have learnt a lot from them
I want to be as strong as them
even though for them i am always a little girl
I love my sister, everybody knows this truth
I said to everyone, no other girls will ever prettier than my sister
A beautiful girl doesn't mean that her heart is beautiful too
but, i can guarantee that hers beautiful
I am the luckiest person in this world
because i have all of you
I am not afraid with all kind of challenges
because i have all of you
I am who I am today
because of all of you
The love that all of you given to me
I cannot describe them just in words
The love is just so amazing and beautiful
I can never pay them back or buy them easily
because those are parents love and siblings love
Papa Mama, Thanks for brought me to this world
Letting me know that there is LOVE in this world
Gege(s) and jiejie, Thanks for being my sibling(s) in my life
I would never forget our childhood memories
where we know that we are connected
I know you all love me as I am your little youngest meimei..
Yan meimei a.k.a as Yan chouzhou
"wo de jia ting zhen ke ai...
fu qin mu qin dou jian kang
xiong di jie mei hen he qi
Monday, June 02, 2008
Process of making Krispy creme.For your information, Krispy creme 's price in England is almost the same as the price in Australia. You can find it in Melbourne but not Perth.
On 21 May 2008 we headed to Birmingham by Nicole's car, everything goes smoothly on the way to Birmingham. But, it 's opposite when we head back to Nottingham from Birmingham. Because this time Nicole didn't print out the google map as she did in the morning , according to her, we should be able to reach Nottingham by heading towards opposite direction "theorectically". But, at the end we can prove that this theory is wrong, because we left Birmingham at 10 something night but reach home at nearly 2am the next day. We lost our way after stopped by a police car. Policeman said that Nicole has been stay on the middle lane for more than 2miles, she should always stay on left lane...OMG ! like this also can.......Thanks to the police to telling us the correct direction which makes us LOST our way..Thanks to them..i can see signboard showing LONDON ,WALES...Nightmare.
At the end we have to go back to Birmingham , start the journey all over again. Nicole had to pump petrol to make sure the car does not run out of petrol if we happen to lost our way again. The petrol station is where i can tell people confidently that Birmingham really flooded with Ah CHA (means indians). They were quite scary people. Liling can be another witness.
My advice is never stay out late in England. Bad experience.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Right or wrong?
Yes, i think we are allow to judge since there is existence of this word called "JUDGE" and there is one occupation known as JUDGE. But, remember, not everyone can judge, even the honorable Judges, they are not born to judge or talented to judge, they have to go through thousand of lectures, seek the examples from people 's past experiences and experience by themselves through n times of trials and errors. Sometimes, they might make wrong judgement or decision on those innocent victims. As we all know, no humans are perfect.
And, are you allow to judge? or me? No, unless you really know the things in depth and make sure that you are neutral , no bias. If you are just some random people who only know one side story then shut your mouth. If you are concern about the things VERY MUCH, just use your eyes and ears but not mouth. Like a chinese saying " add salt add vinegar", do not judge from surface, this just make people think that you're a shallow person. Please be more kindhearted and keep your harsh words with yourself if you know that your words wouldn't help this thing gets any better.
That's it, I just hate people judge things and give stupid conclusion easily. I just cannot stand that kind of behaviour! If you are one of those kind of people, please i beg you to throw away that unwanted behaviour, unless you do not hope to have a peaceful world.
Thanks a lot for your kindness for not judging people or things easily, very much appreciated , our society needs you urgently.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Yes, my exam is over and i have also passed my exam! I mean the dispensing and law exams that i mentioned in my previous blog. Okla, i didn't really jump for 3 days 3 nights, but i did get a bit exhausted. You know what i have "pecah record" !!!i was awake for 21.5 hours yesterday! Crazy~~tak siuman!
Today went Wollaton Park with my friends, that is really a nice place to go. I feel like i wasn't in Nottingham at all..And, we had games and sing song session which obviously is very FUN wei!!!But, i do not have any pics with me, if you feel interested to know more, why not try facebook?hehe..
Relationship between guys and women
Who can tell me the definition of love? Nobody can give me a definite answer isn't it? And, do not thought that i might know it since i asked the question. I don't know either. But, i do know how big is the influence of LOVE. :)
People used to mention that Love is blind. I believe so now,because i have seen this from people around me. I am really impressed and admired with the love that you're willing to pour, i am happy to see people know how to show their love to someone they love, but i do feel sad that you can't get back what you expected/ hope from he/she.
Please allow me to make a wish here :I hope that people can get in love with someone that they like and progress to the love stage, and i hope that people know how to manage the problems in love carefully and wisely by not hurting or minimise the degree of hurt to the lowest. If you do not have the good feeling towards him/her, please take the step to clarify to him /her, imagine if this happen to you, would you hope to know the answer earlier? I think they will be much more appreciated if you are willing to tell them earlier. This action might cause some kinds of sadness in the beginning, but I am so sure that they can understand when they finally found their true love. You will hear "thank you " from them eventually.
Relationship between friends
Sometimes relationship between friends of same sex can be as difficult as relationship between friends of opposite sex. Do not hold the bag of 10kg rice and trying to figure out why is it so heavy, why don't you just put it down? To be continued..
Eelin going back tomorrow!!!:(..But, i am really really happy for you to get summer placement! Although i am a bit blurred when you told me about this, in fact now still blur, but i am really happy for you!!! *jumping*
Friday, May 16, 2008
Exam Exam Exam!!!
People please spend some of your time to pray for me!haha..i really hope that i do not have to repeat it. But , the probability is quite high,:(.
I will pray for everyone!!! :)
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Earthquake in SiChuan

Don't worry, Be happy!
Just finish a 30 credits paper 4 hours ago. I have thrown a big stone away from me. Exam period have been really stressful for me,I couldn't sleep well, and i think that i am over-stress, because i am actually tired but i am still very "awake"!!!sigh~~
Actualy whenever some kind of thoughts come up in my mind, i really feel like writing it down and share to others. But, i couldn't do it because i was studying or walking somewhere.
Last week i was reading notes of Quality in medicine design, i read something about drug development of cancer drug, in order to be one of the test subject , you need to have cancer with "not amenable to establish forms of therapy". Hehe~~look at this.
In our life are full of things that are set with certain requirement in order to proceed to next stage. For example, in order to study a course in university, you need to meet their requirement. In order to become a pharmacist you need spend 4 years in studies and undergo one year of training. Of course, we are very happy that we meet the requirement and get to do what we want. But, imagine this, will you be happy to meet the requirement and be one of the test subject for cancer drug development?? Since when cancer became one of the "must" fulfill requirement in order to proceed ? ANybody striving hard to meet this requirement?
I guess the answer is NO. It is not hard at all, approximately 1 in 3 will get cancer and 1 in 4 will die of cancer. Look around you, everybody actually carry a risk of getting cancer, is depend on how well you manage yourself , your lifestyle. Do not assume or think that you will be totally excluded from risk of cancer when you didn't eat any artificial food at all. And, do not stupidly think that natural food will keep you stay longer until 100years old. Because 99% of ingested pesticide are of natural origin. Haha..sorry if i sound too harsh and scary, but these are truth.
Life is full of uncertainty. When you always exercise so much of restriction on your diet, limit yourself from eating /doing something nice/fun, but who knows one day, God might play a joke with you, unexpected things such as accident might just happen on you. So,since life is full of so much of uncertainty, why do we still need to restrict ourselves from doing what we like to do? People!!!Just enjoy your life. Whenever you think that you are really unlucky, look around you, someone might have to depend on wheelchair for movement, and you still have healthy legs to bring you any place you like, so why should you still in low mood ?
SO,Be happy and don't worry.:) cheers!!!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Heng~~It's because about three days ago, i dreamed that i got very bad results for my DGT!!!
Do you know how is my transcript look like?
Normally we will have certain module title follow by our marks rite? But, mine is all medicines name.....I can still read "Bendroflumethiazide" from my dream! Why i dream this kind of thing? And, that morning i have my alarm set at 6am, but because i always cant differentiate between dream and reality, so i thought that was real, and i was so sad and angry and dont want to get out from bed !!:P haha..how funny and stupid it is !Luckily, i know that i might not able to wake up, so the second alarm wake me up at 7.30am!haha...
Another nightmare 2,
I feel so sad and hopeless when i have to pass through all the obstacles to go the exam hall (i can still remember i have to rush there using a skateboard but in reality i dont even know how to skate ok!) but ended up with very bad results for law exam! Yes, I had this weird dream this morning which make me wake up with tears ...I really feel very sad in the dream..and when i open my eyes, the first thing i saw is my fizzymoon bearbear. It was in a position that i can see it laughing at me...hahaha...pharmfellows please don't mistaken me as having hallucination!haha...
Why do i always dreamed myself with a bad results?!I hope this is not a sign of anything. I heard someone say before, normally what you dreamed will be the opposite from the reality. I believe so at this moment.
Hope everything can go smoothly.
Rainbow is waiting for me...
A famous saying: "To see the rainbow, you need to take the rain"
Monday, May 05, 2008
"Ants on the hot pot"
My daily routine is visit the most knowledgeable place-library after my "not very sweet dream"...stay there till evening...after cooking and had my dinner...if there is 20% of battery left over then i should be able to carry on doing some studies..if not, maybe i am recharging myself again at around 9 -10.
Yes, i m not a last minute person. So, when i know that next monday onwards my spring exam going to commence soon. I am just cant sit still..anxious...nervous...tension...just like the ants on the hot pot ..----jumping around!!!!
I hope i can just eat the DGT book. I really hope that i am knowledgeable and competent up to the standard of a Master student. But...why i always realise that it's too late ONLY when i run out of time.
Yan leng...i hope that stress can go away from you.Be calm ( telling myself this too)
And, Pharmnotts people...good luck in coming exam...All the best to all of you!
Gambatei yo!!!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I lost my card!!!
i get so annoyed because i couldn't find it , i cannot go to library...then i received a letter from lloyds tsb (bank) saying that they going to charge me 20 pounds for overdraft. I get so furious and feel like why everything bad happen at the same time.
But, rachel gan , is just a card, if it is lost, just get a new one from security office. Don't get frustrated so easily, imagine some people even lost their loves one and couldn't find them back even after several years...Or probably they couldn't see each other anymore.
And, another great news is after i made a call to lloyds tsb and told that about this charges, i said that i m a student, and just came back from oversea, 20 pounds is a lot to me, and bla bla give a lot of excuses that i can think of ...and FINALLY very kind of this lady who decided not to charge me !!!Hooray!!! ...
Then, this bank thing sorted liao....when will my card suddenly pop up in front of me le...card faster la....
and at the same time, i received a text from health centre saying that my blood result is out and my doctor wants me to make an appointment with him..haih..must be....high cholesterol again la..:P tao yan!
Exams in two weeks..but i am still not motivated...i havent even start studying law...slap me pls...of course i m kidding..
okla..should go back to revision world.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Some Updates about myself :P
Well people, now and again i have to step into a world that is everyday only book,sleep,food, revision war again!! This time will be still the same, four papers but the law exam is using computer and is an open book exam. So as the DGT exam..we can use the miracle BNF (however it wouldn't be a miracle in ICU as they always use the "unlicensed" way/method to treat patient in ICU. And, another two papers are crazy "toxicology" (Can i make a new saying that study toxicology is toxic to our brain cells?:P) and quality in medicines design ( one essay which counts for 100marks, whua!!!isn't this crazy???i guess someone who suggest pharmacy students to have this paper must be lazy to make simple maths calculation, so make it easy, one essay 100marks)..
I always hope that i can do WELL, and i told myself that must be really hardworking in this semester to compensate the lousy marks i have had from last semester. But, human always know what's wrong and we normally do not change even after n times. sigh~~of course i can't do well again but at least i will try my best, when i recall the feelings after my molecular pharmacology exam, i swear to myself , i will never wan to have this feeling anymore!!!!I JUST HATE THAT!!!
yup..some updates about myself:
1. Just came back from australia last two weeks ago, have visited jason and jiejie while able to meet some of my family members during jiejie's convocation! This is a VERY WONDERFUL trip!!!I am glad that i can spend my easter holidays in AUStralia, and it's still one of my favourite country!
2.I am a bit fat now. Fat trying to accumulate around my tummy and arms. wahaha...i will never give "fat" a micro chance to stay there.although it is now, but won't be long ok?:P
3. And i always ask this question : why does acne like to stay IN my face? yup, is IN. They "hide" underneath my skin and doesn't want to come out. wei..why like that~~~:(
4.I cried once in australia after i read a comment from a HK girl. I just know her when i was in australia, and very kind of her to spend her precious sleep time till 5am in the morning and read my toxicology assignment. She commented that my work is poorly done and there are lots of grammar mistakes. Of course, i cried not because of angry at her honest comment, i just angry at myself. There are lots of time when i spend more time than others in doing certain assignment, but i don't get a good mark for what i have done. And, i cried because my grammar is still so bad, probably someone in primary school would be better than me. I cried because i have been struggling so much, i have to do double the work that people usually do. The saddest thing is i tried so hard and seldom get back what i aim for. I just feel a bit tired sometimes...:(
5. But, after this wonderful holiday, i told myself that LIFE IS NOT ALL ABOUT STUDYING. You should relax. Is that really that important to get good results but at the same time you do not enjoy at all?? There are obviously other more important things waiting for me to do.
6. Meet disaster in certain area doesn't mean that i am useless. I AM NOT USELESS. I can be very good in other things. At least i believe so....
7. I am happy to know a lot of new friends through jason and jiejie. Jason's friends are really funny!!I like! They are nice too. Some of them know that he seldom bring me out ( because he has to attend classes), then they will offer to bring me or ask me to join them for some activities! such as badminton game!
8. Really thanks so much to jiejie, yongsim, melissa for using some of your brain cells for me. I really truly appreciate that ! Muacks!!:)
9. Thanks to Jason for giving me a wonderful memories when i was in Melbourne. After this trip,we get to know each other better! yapi!:)
10. I have got my Hull accommodation settled with 50 pounds per week and yes everything is included!!! i can use internet, their cookware!Thanks eilyn !!huge hug for you!:)
11. Sorry guys, i know i didn't follow the sequence of events/things happening around me. Because this is me, what is pop up in my mind i would just say/type it out. I am using "diamond brand" filter!!!cold~~
Okla..when the mood of writing down something is here, then you would see some new blogs coming up. Be patient.
I will try to upload more pics if i can.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
chinese new year
ppl have been complaining that my blog is full with words without any pics..so boring..hey.. i like la..and i am lazy to wait, upload one pic by one pic just to post up what's happening in my life..sorry la..i m just too lazy...
I just write when i feel like writing something down..
A lot of things have been occured since i come to uk..
and i start to learn that...(or maybe i should have learn it earlier,:( )
1.Do not simply trust people
2. Do not assume people to have think the same way as stupid of you do..
3. Learn how to listen to others but make your own decision at the end
4. Do not hope that someone will change after a certain period, becuz they have already been shaped into certain kind..
5. Get away from something that your instinct tell you that you shouldn't get involved...
6. Be more hardworking , no last minute work!!!
7. enjoy every moment
8. At the same time, do everything seriously ,dun chincaichincai...
9. Learn things yourself instead of to wait for the answer...
10. I need to always remember all listed from 1-9...
When we are stucked in a small box, maybe we should take the chance to move out and look for different things, and we will know that there're actually bigger box available; stuck in a small box isn't a bad thing than stuck in a big box afterall~~~
~~See things from different point of view, do not limit yourself to small area and end up miss out certain more meaningful things.