Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I will be a tour guide in less than 48 hours!

Yeah, I will be a tour guide for five people in less than 48 hours. Go where? Go Taipei lo, a place I just been once before, don't know where my gut come from to volunteer myself as the tour guide.

I am a bit worry, what if they are tired or bored, what if they don't like the food, what if ...this and that..I am always like that worry too much . But, i seriously didn't plan much, mostly go to those destinations where MRT will go.


I pray for good weather and everything goes well. And, also pray that we won't get lost.

po bi po bi a!!!!!haha


Anonymous said...

HAHA! so fun o can go to taiwan, i also wanna go there eatttt n

shiang said...

butbut..i only went there and eat , no shopping...:P