Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Something happened on me recently that i sleep with my wet eyes and couldn't remember when was it i have fallen asleep. I was daydreaming when the condition allowed me to do so. I actually don't feel like talking and just want to be alone, but i have to hide the feeling for 9 hours. Because i am working in pharmacy, i have to greet customer, give them good customer service, talk to them with big smile on. Even though my heart actually numb at the moment.
This is life, no matter how big things happen on this little of me, but the earth still turning, life have to move on. I have to move on too. I am HUMAN.
Monday, June 23, 2008
Story of Sunflower and Tulip
T got so hurt and he thought of letting "species" be their reason to end their special relationship. He feels so disappointed and feels stupid as well , because he thought that his love that he is willing to give to S can overcome their "species" problem. How silly he is, he even tot that for S, he will be more important than "species". But, as he clean up the exploded bomb, he knows the answer is NO, "species" is more important than love, power of love doesn't apply to him and S.
T knew "species" would be their problem one day, but he rather choose to ignore that and try his best to take care of Sunflower.
to be continued..
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Conversation between sunflower and tulip
S: I cant't bring you with me, because we're different species.
T: *keep quiet, but a bit hurt
*because T really hope that he can together with S, how he wishes that species wouldn't be their problems.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Things happened around me.
Today is 20 of June 2008, turn the time back to one yr ago, today I'm supposed to prepare myself leaving everything back in malaysia and head to UK , a strange place with people speaking lauguages which is not my first language. I remembered there are so much of reluctant feelings to leave in my little heart, but i know i have to since i have made a decision to enter the University of Nottingham and knew that this is a 2+2 programme. I have to go away from a place where i have been brought up, away from my comfort zone, learn to be independent, hopefully beat down the phobia which deep in my heart due to my poor English.
Not long after i left Malaysia, i get to know that my friend who is also my friend's brother had passed away in an accident.
I get to know that the gang of friends which we called us as "Big eyes Gals" have no longer keep in touch as often as last time because everybody have their own business to busy with.
My friend's grandpa has cancer and he has passed away recently. I have visited to her house quite often so i can still remember his face deeply in my mind,but he will no longer be there when i pay a visit to their house this August.
Apart from all bad news...I do have some good news too.
My fourth sis-in-law gave birth on Oct and brought a healthy, handsome boy to my family. He looks exactly like my another nephew(his brother). But, i am not with him throughout his baby 's days, probably he wouldn't know who am i when i go back.
Following that, my best friend-Dion had gave birth a baby boy too.:)
My best friend-Kim Fong going to get married in this September, so as Tenpin,someone who has being my friend since kindergarden. Another good friend, Mei Chee married in May.
Things have been changing a lot since i came to UK, people have been through all kinds of happiness, sadness, but how about me? Am i still the old ones, no changes?
I believe there are some changes that they can notice from me, and i also notice that i am no longer as crazy as last time, no longer as talkative as last time. Maybe i should say no longer givng people a first impression of being a cheerful gal.hehe..only to stranger gua. for someone i knew for long time, i think i will be still the same for them , the crazy Gan May Shiang.
But, one thing i know that has no change is i will not bother how non-related people think about me. Yesterday, the dispenser in my store said to me with the serious-and-no-smile-or-maybe-angry-tones-and-eyes after i called her name and inform her that there is customer waiting while she was talking to other colleagues. After the customer hand over the prescription to her, she then turn back and say to me that"May, next time you can always go to the front desk and bring in the prescription and do the following , i mean it 's not like..." she talks to me while she is doing something with the computer, but suddenly she turn back and say the last word "difficult". Of course i know it's not difficult, just that in my previous store I am not allowed to go to front desk unless I have been told by pharmacist. So, i would never think of go to front desk without being told to do so. I didn't reply her but just keep quiet. Whatever you want to say.
Monday, June 09, 2008
First Day in Hull and East Yorkshire Hospital
I had a short talk and introduction by pre-reg Amy about the environment and workplace in pharmacy. But, guess what they are too kind , i have been introduced the same thing for like three times by three different people. I could stop it, but i think it just not so good say" actually someone told me about this before"
Again, i couldn't find the drug. But, one thing i have to admit is that the way they arrange the medicines are better a lot than BxxTs (BTs). When i worked in BTs last time, it's so hard for new people to come in and look for the drug. But , in this hospital, every drugs has been placed at a designated area with label on its shelf. And, this information can be found on your label after you printed them off. It's just so easy to find them , for me. But, i still cant find certain drugs.
They have also differentiate the urgency of the medicine and the source of prescription by using different colours of tray. For example, Red means the medicine is needed urgently. If it's yellow, means it's from community or prison.
The medicines that are dispensed have their way to go to, so if it's for inpatient use, then easier, you dun have to label a plastic bag. and you also don't have to put all warning labels in because nurse will give the medicine. But it depends, sometimes if it's one-stop-dispensing, then every single labels need to be done.
And, in hospital, you can't simply print the label, if there is anything wrong you must amend it without charge, because as you print the label the computer will record it and charge the patient, because doctor has their own budget on the drugs, tat's what they told me. So, if you simply print the label , the innocent doctor will have their "credits " gone without no reason.
Okla..tat's it for today. Tmw going to TPN. I have been told spend an hour in pharmacy to read the Parenteral Nutrition chapter..it's good for yawning exercise anyway.:)
Hope tomorrow will brighter than yesterday. and also hope that my feet doesn't torture me anymore, or less.
Sunday, June 08, 2008
My "landlord" is very kind, he picked me up from train station and fetch me to Boots store.
The first thing i saw on my left hand side after came out from the train station is a Big shopping centre -St.Stephens, you can find those normal England's shops as you would find in other places just that the shops here are much bigger and newer!
As far as i know now, Hull has three shopping centre, which is the St.Stephens, Prospect Centre and Princess Quay Centre. There is a few cafes along the "Monument Bridge" right beside the Princess Quay Centre. Walk pass Princess Quay Centre, go along the path, you will go to "Old Market Town" which reminds me of the street in Nottingham where superdrug located.Am i hinting that Nottingham is old? I think Hull is better than Nottingham in term of their transport services. I say this because you can find train, bus and coaches in Hull Paragon Interchange, and the St.Stephens is just right beside the Hull Paragon Interchange.
Another great news is my volunteer work place-Hull and East Yorkshire Hospital is located about 3 mins walk from the Hull Paragon Interchange, and so as the Boots store that i am going to work in 1 week time.All shopping centres are walking distance away from each other. I said good news because it's easier for me to HUNT when summer sales come!
I went to the Boots store in Prospect Centre to get them stamp on my Uk visa and verify it. Sadly there is no pharmacist there, only those locum, the pharmacist has left( i mean there is no pharmacist in the store) I wonder why? But by the time i start working there will be a pharmacist !The healthcare team manager sounds nice, her name is Clare, but i will hold my comments first, as they always nice but you don't know what are they thinking actually. This is what i learnt from Cardiff Store, the manager will never happy to see us free. Between, this store is much smaller than Cardiff one, it reminds me of Boots store in Cardiff, because it is in a shopping centre too.
Now is about my new accommodation, first impression, I love the house because it's a modern house compared with what i have in Nottingham. But, soon after i settled my things and return to this house again, i realised that the toilet and kitchen are A BIT dirty, guy's house , i can't expect much, can I? But his sister is staying here too. And, the sister has rabbit as her pet--called Chocolate!haha..I actually found the conversation between the sister and brother amusing,
S:"Choc looks moody."
S:"because he(choc) has been alone at home, he feels lonely"
"That's why i on the TV"
B:"Does he watch TV?"
They asked me whether i like animals, i said yes but i also say that i scare of dogs, what a contraversy answer!
And, i have no pillows and blanket here, ytd night i thought i can survive without blanket since it's summer now, but, still i have to squeeze into the duvet cover that i brought from Nott in the middle of the night. I didn't get good sleep actually, i can hear them talking.
I have to wash the toilet later , even though i feel tired now after carrying five bags of tesco things and Primark Pillows!Because i just cannot stand it anymore, i scare of stepping into the toilet, thank God that jason likes clean environment.
Haih, i guess biscuits and hot chocolate will be my dinner later. A lot of hard work to do here, but, I will never afraid of them. I am strong!!! Agree??
Friday, June 06, 2008
I MISS all of you!!
every single seconds
I didn't forget where i came from
where I am always flooded with LOVE
and here you see me GAN MAY SHIANG
Within my own little world
I can proudly announce that:
" I am the luckiest girl in the world"
I am happy with who I am
I am grateful that I was borned and brought up in a lovely family
A very simple family with parents and seven siblings
I love my parents
They never throw lots of toys to us just to make themselves free
In fact, i only have one set of masak-masak before
They love me, i believe so in a way that we know
I love my brothers
No other brothers will ever better than mine, for me
My brothers are best!
I have learnt a lot from them
I want to be as strong as them
even though for them i am always a little girl
I love my sister, everybody knows this truth
I said to everyone, no other girls will ever prettier than my sister
A beautiful girl doesn't mean that her heart is beautiful too
but, i can guarantee that hers beautiful
I am the luckiest person in this world
because i have all of you
I am not afraid with all kind of challenges
because i have all of you
I am who I am today
because of all of you
The love that all of you given to me
I cannot describe them just in words
The love is just so amazing and beautiful
I can never pay them back or buy them easily
because those are parents love and siblings love
Papa Mama, Thanks for brought me to this world
Letting me know that there is LOVE in this world
Gege(s) and jiejie, Thanks for being my sibling(s) in my life
I would never forget our childhood memories
where we know that we are connected
I know you all love me as I am your little youngest meimei..
Yan meimei a.k.a as Yan chouzhou
"wo de jia ting zhen ke ai...
fu qin mu qin dou jian kang
xiong di jie mei hen he qi
Monday, June 02, 2008
Process of making Krispy creme.For your information, Krispy creme 's price in England is almost the same as the price in Australia. You can find it in Melbourne but not Perth.
On 21 May 2008 we headed to Birmingham by Nicole's car, everything goes smoothly on the way to Birmingham. But, it 's opposite when we head back to Nottingham from Birmingham. Because this time Nicole didn't print out the google map as she did in the morning , according to her, we should be able to reach Nottingham by heading towards opposite direction "theorectically". But, at the end we can prove that this theory is wrong, because we left Birmingham at 10 something night but reach home at nearly 2am the next day. We lost our way after stopped by a police car. Policeman said that Nicole has been stay on the middle lane for more than 2miles, she should always stay on left lane...OMG ! like this also can.......Thanks to the police to telling us the correct direction which makes us LOST our way..Thanks to them..i can see signboard showing LONDON ,WALES...Nightmare.
At the end we have to go back to Birmingham , start the journey all over again. Nicole had to pump petrol to make sure the car does not run out of petrol if we happen to lost our way again. The petrol station is where i can tell people confidently that Birmingham really flooded with Ah CHA (means indians). They were quite scary people. Liling can be another witness.
My advice is never stay out late in England. Bad experience.